think like a bookpreneur: revenue mapping workbook
By now you should be buzzing with ideas and ready to turn your book into a profit generating machine. So what should you do next?
Begin mapping out your new money!
This workbook is broken into ten of the most common revenue streams which any author can easily create and generate measurable profitability. It is recommended that you finish reading Think Like a Bookpreneur and the accompanying workbook, The Author’s Blueprint for Increasing Your Revenue before diving into this, or working alongside.
Workbook Goal: This workbook will teach you how to map out at least ten common ways to transform your book into profitable products and services.
Think Like a Bookpreneur Author Coaching Kit
The Think Like a Bookpreneur™ Author Coaching Kit is structured as a portable educational tool, designed to help you turn your book idea into a profitable business. Equipped with practical step-by-step guidance from award-winning publisher and entrepreneur Tieshena Davis, the kit combines everything you need to properly plan and monetize your writing for long-term financial success!
Each 10 x 10 box includes:
- Autographed Copy of Think Like a Bookpreneur
- The Author’s Blueprint to Increasing Your Revenue Workbook
- Revenue Mapping Workbook
- Collection of Planning and Marketing Templates
- 90-Day Platform Building Worksheets
- The Authorlocity™ Code Poster
- Quick Tips Card
- To-Do List Notepad
- 1 Highlighter
- 1 Pen